Pixel Starships Wiki



There are many storylines on Pixel Starships. However, there is a single main storyline, depending on your faction. In the tutorial you have just turned 18 and, having graduated from you academy, are now a starship captain. You pick your sex (Male/Female), and one of three attributes for your character (Awesome/Sexy/Million Bux). You then chose your faction (Federation/Pirate/Qtarian). Your capt'n reflects these choices, and gets and ability based on the chosen Faction (HealingRain Healing Rain for Federation, PoisonGas Poison gas for Pirate, RushCommand Rush Command for Qtarian), or based on chosen appearance for players who started before a certain date. Note that the captains of people with accounts created after that date are part of that Faction. After you have chosen a name and made your choices, the game creates and loads an account for you. Then you are forced to build a Mineral Mining Laser, often referred to as a mining laser or MLZ, and to do the first mission, called "Bootcamp." In this mission, you are required to destroy a satellite, and are shown the control for operating your ship's sub-systems.The dialogue is as follows:

Start of mission:

"Welcome to your first training mission."
"In this easy battle you will learn to allocate power to your mining lasers and clear some nearby space junk."
"Get Ready!"

You are then instructed to tap the attack button to commence the battle. After the battle loads, you are shown where your health, power and shields are located onscreen, how to move between viewing each ship, and how to aim and increase power supply to a room.

End of mission:

200 minerals + 100XP reward.

There is no further mission dialogue, however, Dolores compliments you on having won your first battle. She also explains how winning battles is important for gaining loot and XP (note that dead crew only get 50% XP). After you return to your ship, you are instructed to upgrade your character and bed, so you may hire another crew for minerals. This crew is a guaranteed 3 star. You are then shown the achievements bar, and get 5 Faction Starbux for completing Full House I. Finally, you are instructed to drag your new crew to your Mineral Mining Laser, and crew function are explained. The roles crew play and the order in which they are fulfilled is here (add hyperlink).

Next mission/ PvP match you complete:

You are here shown another quick thing about power. Because of starting AI, your power is spread evenly. You are shown to conserve power by de-powering non-essentials, like the Engine, so you can power up the MLZ. At the end of this battle, you will have enough minerals to upgrade your ship, and told to do so. Once the upgrade is finished, the game will reload, and upon this Dolores explains how upgrading your ship allows you more different subsystems.

Third mission/ PvP match you complete:

It is explained that once a room is on 0 health, any extra damage is dealt to the ship hull.

Other Storyline Missions

There are storyline missions every event, and for each faction. Upon this are the AI missions, which grant AI chips. Links to these pages are below:

Federation Storyline

Pirate Storyline

Qtarian Storyline

This is it

Strange Debris

AI Missions

Event Storylines

All items (1)
