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"Generates a cloak field around the ship. Rendering enemy weapons targeting systems useless for the duration of the cloak. Your weapons will also hold firing until the cloak field dissipates."

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Ship Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Icon Abbreviation Size PowerPowerIcon Consumption Stat Enhancement AI Category
CloakGeneratorIcon CG 3x2 0-5 ScienceScienceIcon Cloaking Room
Level Reload Time Cloak Duration Room Cooldown Upgrade Ship Level Required
1 28s 5s 5s 1.8M 5d 2hr 10
2 27s 5.5s 5.5s 2M 1w 10
3 26s 6s 6s 2.2M 1w 1d 11
4 25s 6.5s 6.5s 2.5M 1w 2d 11


The Cloak Generator is a 3x2 Defense room room unlocked at level ten. It has the potential to heavily influence the battle with its ability to cloak the player's ship. The cloak has a variety of effects, the main one being the ability to stop the enemy from dealing damage to the player's ship. Consequently, it's very demanding to use, with a large reload and power consumption.


Battle Mechanics

Whenever a ship is cloaked, all Weapon rooms from both sides will be unable to fire. All projectiles already en route will only be able to damage shields, and boarders will be unable to board the enemy ship. However, they may still teleport back home during a cloak. Rush Command will also have no effect on the Cloak Generator when a cloak is active. The attacker will always cloak first.

In addition, the Cloak Generator has a room cooldown that starts immediately after its cloak ends. During this period, it cannot be activated again. This is to prevent chain stacking with a 100% Rush Command.

In Combat

When used correctly, the Cloak Generator allows the player to avoid massive amounts of damage. This is why the Cloak Generator is mainly used at the start of a battle to nullify instant barrages from Rush Crew. However, if the player is not careful, the cloak can potentially cause most, if not all of the enemy's weapons to fire at once after the cloak duration ends.

When To Use

The Cloak Generator truly shines at level 11 and above. With more power and even more dangerous threats, its usefulness cannot be understated. At level 10 however, players are limited to a level 1 Cloak Generator. Not only is power more limited there, but its long reload and shorter duration makes it much more situational.


The AI for the Cloak Generator and its support varies greatly between players as no single AI can satisfy every playstyle. The possibilities are endless, so it's best to experiment with its AI and see what's best.

Crew Interactions

The Cloak Generator is buffed with the Science ScienceIcon stat on Crew. The reload reduction formula applied when the Cloak Generator is buffed can be found here.


Powered Rooms

Weapon Rooms

Weapon Rooms: Mineral Mining LaserBolterKias PhaserK BlasterMinigunPhoton PhaserPlasma DischargerParticle DischargerLaser BlasterRailgunPhoton DisruptorEMP CannonIon Cannon

Consumable/Platform Rooms: Missile LauncherMulti Missile LauncherHangarTeleportSmall Weapons PlatformMedium Weapons Platform

Defense Rooms

Defends Via Damage: Anti Craft LaserSecurity GateSmall Gas TrapZaki Tentacle GardenDisintegrator Gate

Defends Via Support: Shield GeneratorShield BatteryMed BayToiletFlower GardensAndroid StudioVisiri MechbayZongzi FactoryRadar

Defends Via Dodge: EngineFusion Drive EngineCloak Generator

Support Rooms

Supports Via Healing: Med BayToiletFlower Gardens

Reactors: Small ReactorFusion ReactorCoal ReactorPower CapacitorLarge ReactorBackup Capacitor
