Pixel Starships Wiki
Missile Launcher   Multi Missile Launcher

"Manufacture and launch projectile missiles. Effective vs Shields."

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14

Ship Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Number Available 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Icon Abbreviation Size PowerPowerIcon Consumption Stat Enhancement AI Category
MissileLauncherIcon MSL 3x2 0-3 WeaponWeapon Missile Room
Level Reload Time Missile Capacity Upgrade Ship Level Required
Storage Manufacture Cost
1 12.5s 50 50 1.2K 5m 3
2 12s 55 55 2.5K 30m 3
3 11.5s 60 60 12K 30m 4
4 11s 65 65 25K 1h 4
5 10.5s 70 70 30K 4h 5
6 10s 75 75 60K 4h 5
7 9.5s 80 80 180K 8h 6
8 9s 85 80 350K 2d 7
9 8.75s 90 80 500K 3d 8
10 8.5s 95 80 550K 3d 12h 9
11 8.25s 100 80 750K 4d 9
12 8s 105 80 2M 1w 10
13 7.75s 110 80 2.1M 1w 1d 11
14 7.5s 115 80 2.3M 1w 2d 11


The Missile Launcher is a 3x2 Weapon room unlocked at level three. Along with the Multi Missile Launcher, these are the only two starship weapon rooms that fire Missiles. Missiles bypass all shields, but they can be dodged if you have a powered Engine onboard your ship.

The Missile Launcher can fire the Rocket Missile (System Damage), Javelin Missile (AP Damage), Jungle Missile (Crew Damage), Penetrator Missile (Direct Hull Damage), EMP Missile (EMP Damage), and Scarlet Missile (Fire Damage).


In Combat

Below is a list of common Missile combinations. This does not take into account ships with a Multi Missile Launcher, which allows up to 3 active Missile launchers on a ship.

Missile Combos

Rocket Spam [DPS][Early Game] Rocket6 + Rocket6 OR JavelinMissile6 + JavelinMissile6

  • Advantages: It's unlocked early in the game, has a low Research requirement, and is friendly for lower level players.
  • Disadvantages: The Javelin variant cannot deal Hull Damage, and the Rocket variant struggles against heavily Armored rooms and tanky Crew.
  • Additional Notes: The combo should be paired with other weapon rooms as the combo itself cannot provide sufficient DPS.

Anti Crew [Support][Early-End Game] JungleMissile6 + JungleMissile6 OR Scarlet6 + Scarlet6

  • Advantages: Can deal a lot of Crew Damage in a short period of time, and the Scarlet variant can also damage rooms.
  • Disadvantages: The Jungle variant is hard to implement without Python 3.X, and the Scarlet variant can be countered by Sprinklers.
  • Additional Notes: The Scarlet Missile variant can bait repair Crew into burning rooms and damage them.

Penetrator Spam [Win Condition][Early-End Game] Penetrator6 + Penetrator6

  • Advantages: Doesn't require any other weapon rooms, can mess up enemy AI and is unaffected by shields.
  • Disadvantages: Hard to pull off without 20-25 Crew, and Engines can be a hassle to destroy.
  • Additional Notes: Usually, this combo is paired with the Teleport so the player can destroy rooms like the Engine. In addition, make sure the Penetrator Missiles target sparsely Armored rooms to maximize damage.

Room Disable [Support][Mid-End Game] EMP6 + EMP6

  • Advantages: Can disable Landmines, Sprinklers, and rooms for nearly the entire game.
  • Disadvantages: Doesn't provide any damage output and has a rather large Research requirement.
  • Additional Notes: The EMP Missiles should be targetting rooms you find are a hassle to deal with. Examples include the Teleport, Shield Generator, Hangar and so on.

When To Use

The Missile Launcher can provide a wide range of options for combat. With so many unique combos and counters to existing strategies (Ex. EMP Missiles disabling the Teleport), there is little to no reason not to use the Missile Launcher.


The Missile Launcher requires AI to equip currently built Missiles in combat. Without it, the Missile Launcher will not equip a Missile without manual intervention. Below is a list of Missile equip commands and what Missile they refer to. In "Set Highest ___" commands, the Missile that deals the highest of that damage will be the Missile the room will equip.

Set Cheapest Items -> Missile That Costs The Least Amount Of Gas Gas To Build

Set Dearest Items -> Missile That Costs The Most Amount Of Gas Gas To Build

Set Item To None -> Unequip Missiles

Set Highest System Damage -> [Usually] Set to Built Rocket Missiles

Set Highest Hull Damage -> Set to Built Penetrator Missiles

Set Highest EMP Damage -> Set to Built EMP Missiles

Set Highest Character Damage -> [Usually] Set to Built Jungle Missiles

Set Highest Fire Items -> Set to Built Scarlet Missiles

Set Highest AP Damage -> Set to Built Javelin Missiles

Crew Interactions

The Missile Launcher is buffed with the Weapon Weapon stat on Crew. The reload reduction formula applied when the Missile Launcher is buffed can be found here.


Powered Rooms

Weapon Rooms

Weapon Rooms: Mineral Mining LaserBolterKias PhaserK BlasterMinigunPhoton PhaserPlasma DischargerParticle DischargerLaser BlasterRailgunPhoton DisruptorEMP CannonIon Cannon

Consumable/Platform Rooms: Missile LauncherMulti Missile LauncherHangarTeleportSmall Weapons PlatformMedium Weapons Platform

Defense Rooms

Defends Via Damage: Anti Craft LaserSecurity GateSmall Gas TrapZaki Tentacle GardenDisintegrator Gate

Defends Via Support: Shield GeneratorShield BatteryMed BayToiletFlower GardensAndroid StudioVisiri MechbayZongzi FactoryRadar

Defends Via Dodge: EngineFusion Drive EngineCloak Generator

Support Rooms

Supports Via Healing: Med BayToiletFlower Gardens

Reactors: Small ReactorFusion ReactorCoal ReactorPower CapacitorLarge ReactorBackup Capacitor
