Pixel Starships Wiki
Pixel Starships Wiki
Pilot Defender
"My Mum always said: A well-armed pilot is an effective pilot."


Pilot Defender is an Elite Weapon Equipment Item that gives a bonus of +3 Pilot Pilot when worn. Can be obtained by crafting.

Crafting Recipe

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Pilot Sidearm
Pilot Defender
4x Pilot Sidearm 1x Pilot Defender

Use In Other Recipes

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Pilot Defender
The Wingman
6x Pilot Defender 1x The Wingman

Weapon Equipment
HP Hp Boosting
Attack Attack Boosting
Stamina Stamina Boosting
Ability Ability Boosting
Pilot Pilot Boosting
Pilot Defender Pilot Defender
Engine Engine Boosting
Weapon Weapon Boosting
Repair Repair Boosting
Science Science Boosting
Fire Resistance Fire Resistance Boosting
