Pixel Starships Wiki

Special Crew (6 Stars)[]

Special crews are generally obtained through in-app purchases, special events, or the dove store. They cannot be attained through Beer draws, or through the Prestige system, and they may not be Prestiged into other crews.

The stats are indicated as of Level 40. The Crews can be compared here. Any stat which is the best that exists in the game is marked in underlined bold.


Each ship starts with a captain, which is chosen at account creation and may not be changed afterwards. There was also an old system of captain creation in the early days of the game, which has since been eliminated, so the crews from that system are no longer attainable. Only the Fed, Pirate, and Qtarian captains can still be created. Any player with an old captain who wishes to get a new one may contact Customer Service for a replacement.

Name Collection Ability Ability Equip Slots HP HP Attack Attack Pilot Pilot Science Science Engine Engine Repair Repair Weapon Weapon Training Capacity
Fed Bobby Federation HealingRain 8 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 12 2.5 20 14 16 3 17.5 200
Fed Laura Federation HealingRain 8 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 12 3.2 20 14 16 3 14 200
Fed Lisa Federation HealingRain 8 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 12 2.5 20 14 20 3 14 200
Fed Michelle Federation HealingRain 8 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 12 2.5 20 14 16 3.5 14 200
Fed Peter Federation HealingRain 8 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 12 2.5 20 17.5 16 3 14 200
Fed Tony Federation HealingRain 8 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 12 2.5 24 14 16 3 14 200
Pirate Alex Pirate PoisonGas 6 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 9 3 16 12 17.5 2.5 12 200
Pirate Edward Pirate PoisonGas 6 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 9 3 20 12 14 2.5 12 200
Pirate Lia Pirate PoisonGas 6 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 9 3 16 12 14 2.5 12 200
Pirate Loretta Pirate PoisonGas 6 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 9 3 16 15 14 2 12 200
Pirate Michelle Pirate PoisonGas 6 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 9 3 16 12 14 2.5 15 200
Pirate Tony Pirate PoisonGas 6 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 9 3.7 16 12 14 2.5 12 200
Qtarian Bobby Qtarian RushCommand 35 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 10 2.5 16 10 12 2 10 200
Qtarian Edward Qtarian RushCommand 35 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 10 2.5 16 10 12 1.5 12 200
Qtarian Laura Qtarian RushCommand 35 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 10 2.5 20 10 12 1.5 10 200
Qtarian Lisa Qtarian RushCommand 35 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 10 3.2 16 10 12 1.5 10 200
Qtarian Michelle Qtarian RushCommand 35 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 10 2.5 16 12 12 1.5 10 200
Qtarian Tony Qtarian RushCommand 35 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 10 2.5 16 10 15 1.5 10 200
Bling Captain
RushCommand 55 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 2.8 11 15 15 2.5 15 200
Blingy Captain
SystemHack 420 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 2.8 11 15 15 2.5 15 200
RushCommand 50 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 2.8 11 15 15 2.5 15 200
RushCommand 40 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 1.9 15 3 12 1.7 3 200
UltraDismantle 4 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 1.9 15 5 4 1.7 3 200
SystemHack 360 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 1.9 12 12 15 2.7 10 200
FirstAid 6 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 1.9 15 10 4 1.7 6 200
HealingRain 4 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 1.9 15 4 3 1.7 11 200
UrgentRepair 4 Accessory, Body, Leg, Weapon, Pet 6 1.9 15 4 6 1.7 2 200

Other Special Crews[]

Name Collection Ability Ability Equip Slots HP HP Attack Attack Pilot Pilot Science Science Engine Engine Repair Repair Weapon Weapon Training Capacity
Alley Cat Zombie 100
Altair 100
Angry Squid 100
Area 51 Alien
SystemHack 600 8 2.7 12 12 15 2.7 10 100
Bio Android N/A
Brito-Tank 100
Bubbles 100
Buns 100
Cathulhu 100
Chihuahua 100
D.R.A.G.O.N. 100
D.R.A.K.E. 100
Daft Kittus 100
Dark Matter Hero
SystemHack 600 10 3.1 5 23 9 1.4 12 100
Dark Matter Legend 100
Dark Matter Mechi 100
Delish 100
HealingRain 8 13 3 13 15 14 2.8 13 100
Dolores FreezeBomb 300 13 3 25 25 15 2.5 15 100
Dr Dong 100
Draconian Mecha 100
Draki Soldier 100
Drakian 100
Drakian Clone 100
Drogon 100
Engineer Bob
UrgentRepair 10 7 1.7 4 5 20 3 5 100
Faerie Dragon 100
Franky 100
Froggy 100
Galaxy Bob 100
Giant Chicken 100
FirstAid 6 8 2.9 8 13 15 3 13 100
Harmony Dragon 100
Honest Abe 100
Hydra 100
Infected Drakian 100
Infected Drakian Clone 100
Jack O'Lantern 100
Jon St Jon 100
King Ellie 100
Krampus 100
KS Gray 100
Lionheart 100
Loong 100
Lucky RED-1ST 100
Maizi 100
Meowy Cat
CriticalAttack 17 7 3.3 4 9 9 2 9 100
Miss Santa 100
Mousey 100
Mr Blue 100
Mr Horse 100
PoisonGas 6 12 2.4 0 10 0 2 8 100
Namith 100
Nova 100
Octavius 100
Old Driver
UrgentRepair 8 10 2.6 25 6 25 2.9 6 100
Ophiuchus 100
Orynch 100
P.A.N.D.A. 100
Phoenix 100
Phongril 100
Polar Bear 100
Polarian Pilgrim 100
Princess Vega 100
Riverwind 100
PoisonGas 7 5 3.1 5 5 5 2.8 5 100
Robo Santa
PoisonGas 8 11 2.5 13 19 6 2.5 7 100
SystemHack 480 7 2.7 11 12 12 2.8 12 100
Saint Patrick 100
Santa's Helper 100
Santa's Helpstress 100
Soda Delivery Guy
RushCommand 45 10 2.6 13 5 20 3 5 100
Sparko 100
Sphinx 100
FirstAid 9 9 2.4 7 12 11 2 11 100
Tin Robot 100
Transport Driver 100
Turkey Man
HealingRain 5 9 2.2 6 18 12 2 7 100
Washingtron 100
Whaler 100
UltraDismantle 5 9 2.9 9 5 14 1.5 19 100
Xeon 100
Zakian 100
Zakian Assassin 100

Special Abilities[]

Ability Description
Arson Arson Sets current room on fire.
Bloodlust Bloodlust Doubles crew attack and repair speeds.
CriticalAttack Critical Attack Causes heavy damage to the enemy crew being attacked.
FreezeBomb Cryo Blast Freezes all enemy characters in the same room.
FireWalk Firewalk Sets current room on fire as character walks.
FirstAid First Aid Heal yourself.
HealingRain Healing Rain Heal all friendly characters in the same room.
PhaseShift Phase Shift Makes the crew immune to freezing and fire.
PoisonGas Poison Gas Damage all characters in the same room.
RushCommand Rush Command Speeds up loading progress of the current room.
StasisShield Stasis Shield Makes the current room untargetable and undamageable by enemies.
SystemHack System Hack Delays the room's reload progress.
UrgentRepair Urgent Repair Repairs current room, ending any fire and EMP.
UltraDismantle Ultra Dismantle Damages the current room.

Common Crew | Elite Crew | Unique Crew | Epic Crew | Hero Crew | Special Crew | Legendary Crew | NPC Crew
