Pixel Starships Wiki
Zaki Tentacle Garden   Disintegrator Gate

"This room contains of a rare tentacle creature discovered by Zaki military and was repurposed to repel enemy boarders."

Ship Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Limit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Icon Abbreviation Size PowerPowerIcon Consumption Stat Enhancement AI Category
SecurityGateIcon ZTG 2x2 0-3 None Security Room
Level Reload Time Crew Damage Innate Armor Ship Level Required
1 3s 10 100 1


The Zaki Tentacle Garden is a 2x2 Trap Room awarded to members of the Fleet, ZAKI龍 for winning the August 2018 Tournament. The top 50 captains of the Individual Leaderboard also received this room. It's very expensive, taking up 4 grids and consuming a whopping 3 power.


In Combat

The Zaki Tentacle Garden is a much more expensive level 10 Security Gate. It's however much easier to defend the ZTG in comparison due to its innate Armor and larger size. Its 3 maximum power, although boosting survivability immeasurably, is its greatest drawback. It's simply way too expensive to operate.

When To Use

Most players who got the ZTG are level 10 or 11, meaning they have little to no use for this room. Besides its ridiculous power consumption, it takes up a lot of space for a Trap room. In addition, it has even less DPS compared to the Security Gate, which itself already struggles against tanky boarders.


The below AI command depowers the ZTG whenever the enemy Teleport is destroyed or missing. However, due to the limits of Python 1.0, the AI command may continue to send power even if there are no enemy boarders left, or worse, power off when there are still enemy boarders onboard.

Enemy Teleport HP > 0% -> Set Power to 1

None -> Set Zero Power

After Python 3.x is researched, a much more effective AI command is available. Do note that there is a small window of time an enemy boarder is able to walk through the ZTG due to its reload time.

Friendly Room Has Enemy -> Set Power to 1

None -> Set Zero Power

Crew Interactions

The Zaki Tentacle Garden cannot be buffed with crew.


Powered Rooms

Weapon Rooms

Weapon Rooms: Mineral Mining LaserBolterKias PhaserK BlasterMinigunPhoton PhaserPlasma DischargerParticle DischargerLaser BlasterRailgunPhoton DisruptorEMP CannonIon Cannon

Consumable/Platform Rooms: Missile LauncherMulti Missile LauncherHangarTeleportSmall Weapons PlatformMedium Weapons Platform

Defense Rooms

Defends Via Damage: Anti Craft LaserSecurity GateSmall Gas TrapZaki Tentacle GardenDisintegrator Gate

Defends Via Support: Shield GeneratorShield BatteryMed BayToiletFlower GardensAndroid StudioVisiri MechbayZongzi FactoryRadar

Defends Via Dodge: EngineFusion Drive EngineCloak Generator

Support Rooms

Supports Via Healing: Med BayToiletFlower Gardens

Reactors: Small ReactorFusion ReactorCoal ReactorPower CapacitorLarge ReactorBackup Capacitor
